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Psalm 8:4

“What is man that You take thought of him,

And the son of man that you care for him?”

Our Care Ministry sole purpose is to reflect God’s love, compassion and support and to build God’s People to Build God’s Kingdom.



• To offer practical and compassionate everyday care through a shared team effort.

• To create an open, unconditional loving environment of care.

Congregation Care

We want to ensure that all those within the congregation are cared for in the event of a physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual crisis in their life that would require additional care from the congregation or pastoral staff. A time of celebration can also be a time when the church comes alongside an individual or family with support and praise.


In the event that an individual is in need of counseling, pastors might be called upon to provide it. Due to the many individuals in the congregation and the many needs at hand, the requested or assigned pastor who will provide counseling will first assess the need and determine if the individual(s) would be better served with professional counseling. If so, counseling will be recommended. If more than three sessions of pastoral counseling are needed for the individual(s), then again, outside professional counseling will be encouraged and recommended. 

"Part of the healing process is sharing with

other people

who care." Jerry Cantrell

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